Convert Delta files to SDD format
How to
If openDelta is already installed, go to step 3.
- Download OpenDelta
- Install openDelta (ref : Installation Instructions)
- Open your (.dlt) file with deltaEditor (installed in openDelta)
Export the delta base in files format
click on
File menu thenExport in the menu list - echo "Export every directive and files (see here)
click on
- Zip the folder created in step 4
- Choose your zip file in the file browser (see) and click on send
- right click on the link 'SDD XML' and select save link as...
Sdd Tools
Delta To Sdd (here)
Convert Delta knowledge base to SDD
Ikey + (here)
Identification Key generation Web service
Mkey + (here)
Interactive Identification Web service
About SDD file format
SDD is a standard created by TDWG
specially to store and exchange descriptives data.
Your SDD file
can be generate using Xper2 software.